Picture of What's your top tip for doing well at interview?

What's your top tip for doing well at interview?

Picture of David
Picture of Kieran
2 responses

Anonymous asked a question to David B.

Category: Interview Tips

Date asked: Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Last reviewed: Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Picture of David B.

David B.

Senior Risk Manager

My overarching advice would be to go in prepared and just be yourself. Do background reading on Phoenix and be prepared for competency based interview questions (ie. can you give me an example when you have demonstrated x,y,z). Think of the likely questions you may be asked given the role you're applying for, such as juggling multiple priorities, managing differing stakeholder views, etc. Think of examples where you've done this and you'll often find you can use the same core few examples for a range of questions. It doesn't have to be from the same sector either, for example, you could say when I worked in a cafe we were short staffed and so I managed customer facing activity with equally important back of house tasks such as ordering supplies, helping with potwash, etc as an example of juggling priorities. Finally be yourself as you're more likely to come across as genuine and relaxed.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Picture of Kieran J.

Kieran J.

Change Analyst

Thanks for your question!

Succeeding in interviews is an ongoing process. The more practice you gain completing them, the better. A top tip I've always used is the STAR technique (Situation, Task, Action and Result).
For preparation, I would suggest putting together a STAR response for the popular competency based questions. Then review and rehearse them, that way your responses will be fluent throughout the interview. Make sure you add detail in the result section. Sentence starters would be 'The result was positive, I did XYZ' OR 'As a result, this was achieved...'

Make sure at the end of the interview you ask really good questions. One I like to use is 'What's one non-negotiable quality required of myself to be successful in this role'?

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

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