How is the work life balance? Are hours worked excessive or go up and down depending on reporting requirements?
Kellie G. asked a question to Actuarial and Finance
Category: Work Life Balance
Date asked: Thursday, May 11, 2023
Last reviewed: Thursday, May 18, 2023
Josh R.
Senior Accountant
The finance department has a quarterly reporting period with the bulk of activity during half year and year end. During these periods you may be expected to work slightly longer hours than normal and of course there are very odd occasions, as in most finance departments where something critical needs to be completed to a deadline. What Phoenix is normally good at in my opinion is to allow flexibility around work/life. In my experience, if I work longer hours during reporting periods or indeed a high intensity week because of a project delivery, I can usually take some time back when things are a little quieter and overall my time balances out. We also have the capacity for working remotely when needed so it is always possible to work around your responsibilities outside.
Thursday, May 18, 2023
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