What metrics or criteria are used to assess an employee’s performance?
Genadijs S. asked during the live chat Meet Phoenix Finance to Phoenix Group
Category: General
Date asked: Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Last reviewed: Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Josh R.
Senior Accountant
Criteria for performance is based two key areas. WHAT factors which outline an individuals competency in the completion of tasks, controls, projects etc... and HOW factors which outline an individuals professional behaviours (how do they communicate, how do they work as part of a team, how efficient are they, how organised are they? Each of these factors is then tiered based on a 5 point scale. Unsatisfactory, satisfactory ( Completing the job in line with expectations), Good(going above normal expectation), Strong (well above expectation) and exceptional!
These factors are driven by complexity of tasks, feedback, autonomy, value add evidenced etc... etc...
Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Genadijs S.
Do new-hired employees have clear tasks?
Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Josh R.
Senior Accountant
Hi Genadijs, so in finance operations, each member of staff will have visibility of the working day timetable and tasks that the team are responsible for. Line managers will make clear the specific tasks and requirements for the new starter such that they can hold themselves accountable for completion of those tasks. There are regular morning huddle calls to run through these, request support where necessary and provide updates.
Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Genadijs S.
Thank you!
Wednesday, June 19, 2024